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Garage Safety for Pets!

Ways to create a safe environment  for  pets in the garage

Pet parents are famous for keeping their fur babies safe and happy. They do just about anything to keep their best friend from harm. From special foods to all natural toys, there are many pet-safe supplies out there. But what about pet safety in the home? Specifically, the garage holds many dangers to our four legged friends, but there are easy ways to remedy the dangers!

Pet Supply Storage:

Many homeowners store cleaning supplies near other items in the garage. Storing your fur baby’s toys, food or other supplies near cleaning supplies is a pet safety no-no. Pet parents run the risk of cleaning supplies leaking onto their pet’s supplies. This could lead to harm or even death to animals. Keeping Fido’s supplies on a designated shelf prevents contamination that could lead to harm. Shelves make it easier to grab exactly what you need without searching through multiple places.

Poorly Stored Items:

It’s common to see garden tools, ladders, and stacks of boxes stored against the wall in a garage. These items could easily get knocked over onto pets. There are many storage solutions on the market that get items off the floor. Using overhead racks simplifies the storage process by getting everything safely off the floor while still being accessible to humans.

Low Visibility:

The amount of light in a garage is surprisingly important. Standard lighting is not only annoyingly dim, it’s dangerous. With poor lighting, it’s easy to overlook a pet as you are pulling the family vehicle in and out of the garage or as you close the garage door. Updating lightbulbs or investing in a completely new garage light eliminates shadowy spaces that pets could hide in.

Pet safety is important to any pet parent. The garage doesn’t have to be a dangerous space for pets. With a few precautionary steps, homeowners can make the garage an extension of their home and suitable for animals.

For more help getting your garage organized visit

Bri Lords

BIO: Bri works for Monkey Bars of Kansas City a garage storage and organization company that helps homeowners create custom garage storage solutions. Bri graduated from BYU-Idaho in Advertising and Public Relations. When she’s not working, she enjoys all things film, good books and making memories with her husband and German Shepherd.


1 Comment

Devin Stiles
Devin Stiles
Jun 06, 2023

Whenever you want to secure your garage and pets, always choose Locksmith Durham NC experts because they install security gadgets like - CCTV cameras, alarm system and tough locks to avoid theft incidents at genuine cost. Moreover, they give guaranty of their job that they do.

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