Warm weather can literally be a killer for a dog left inside a car. On warm days, the inside of a car heats up very quickly. When it’s 85 degrees outside, the temperature inside a car — even with the windows cracked — can soar to 102 degrees in 10 minutes and 120 degrees in just half an hour. On hotter days, the temperature will climb even higher. Outside temperatures in the 70s can be dangerous, as well.
Leaving your dog for “just a minute” may be too long. Because they rely on panting and aren’t able to sweat, dogs can’t cool themselves like people can and their body temperature can rise quickly. Dogs can withstand high temperatures for a short time before suffering severe illness, organ damage — or even death. It’s not cool to leave a dog in a hot car.
For more information, visit: MyDogIsCool.com
If your dog is overcome by heat, soak him/her with water and seek vet care.

It’s always important to consider the temperature before taking your dog out for an adventure, especially during those hot days. Keeping your pup comfortable and stylish is key, and a tweed dog collar can add that extra touch of charm while also being a durable choice for any outing. Stay cool and safe, both for you and your furry friend!
Hot weather can be tricky when deciding whether to take your dog out. I found it helpful to check the pavement temperature and always carry water. Resources like Learn more have been invaluable for understanding how to keep my dogs safe and comfortable, especially during extreme heat.